The Code for IOU
// Get and verify input values
function getValues() {
// Hide totals/payments to start
// Get inputs and parse float
let loanValue = document.getElementById("loanValue").value;
let termValue = document.getElementById("termValue").value;
let interestValue = document.getElementById("interestValue").value;
loanValue = parseFloat(loanValue);
termValue = parseFloat(termValue);
interestValue = parseFloat(interestValue);
// Validate inputs as numbers
if (Number.isFinite(loanValue) && Number.isInteger(termValue) && Number.isFinite(interestValue)) {
// Call calculate function
let returnObj = calcPayments(loanValue, termValue, interestValue);
// Call output functions
displayTotals(returnObj, loanValue);
} else {
alert("Incorrect input(s). Please enter numbers for all values(Term must be an integer)")
// Perform calculations
function calcPayments(loan, term, interest) {
// Get monthly payments
let totalMonthlyPay = loan * (interest / 1200) / (1 - (1 + interest / 1200) ** (-term))
// Set initial values
let paymentObjArr = [];
let remainingBalance = loan;
let interestPayment = 0;
let principalPayment = 0;
let totalInterest = 0;
// Push paymentObj for each m month
for (let month = 1; month <= term; month++) {
interestPayment = remainingBalance * interest / 1200;
principalPayment = totalMonthlyPay - interestPayment;
remainingBalance -= principalPayment
totalInterest += interestPayment
let paymentObj = {
// Return payment details for each month. Include monthly pay for display functions
let returnObj = {
paymentObjArr, totalMonthlyPay
return returnObj;
// Number formatter for display outputs
const formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
style: 'currency',
currency: 'USD',
// Output payments
function displayPayments(returnObj) {
// Get table body
let tableBody = document.getElementById("results");
// Get template row
let templateRow = document.getElementById("paymentsTemplate");
// Clear table
tableBody.innerHTML= "";
// Deconstruct returnObj
let payment = returnObj.totalMonthlyPay;
let paymentObjArr = returnObj.paymentObjArr;
// Loop over each month/element of paymentObjArr and populate payments table
for (let i = 0; i < paymentObjArr.length; i++) {
let tableRow = document.importNode(templateRow.content, true);
let rowCols = tableRow.querySelectorAll("td");
// Format and populate values to table columns in current row
let currentPaymentObj = paymentObjArr[i];
rowCols[0].textContent = currentPaymentObj.month;
rowCols[1].textContent = `${formatter.format(payment)}`;
rowCols[2].textContent = `${formatter.format(currentPaymentObj.principalPayment)}`;
rowCols[3].textContent = `${formatter.format(currentPaymentObj.interestPayment)}`;
rowCols[4].textContent = `${formatter.format(currentPaymentObj.totalInterest)}`;
rowCols[5].textContent = `${formatter.format(currentPaymentObj.remainingBalance)}`;
// Apply TDs to current row on page
// Show payments section
// Output totals to page
function displayTotals (returnObj, totalPrincipal) {
// Get values to display
let totalMonthlyPay = returnObj.totalMonthlyPay;
let finalPaymentObj = returnObj.paymentObjArr.pop();
let totalInterest = finalPaymentObj.totalInterest;
let totalCost = totalPrincipal + totalInterest;
// Populate and format values to totals
document.getElementById("monthlyPayment").innerHTML = `${formatter.format(totalMonthlyPay)}`;
document.getElementById("totalPrincipal").innerHTML = `${formatter.format(totalPrincipal)}`;
document.getElementById("totalInterest").innerHTML = `${formatter.format(totalInterest)}`;
document.getElementById("totalCost").innerHTML = `${formatter.format(totalCost)}`;
// Show totals section
The dipslayed code shows the JavaScript used for this project. The main functions are outlined below.
getValues will trigger when the "Calculate" button is clicked. It grabs our inputs and, after some parsing/validation, passes them as arguments to calcPayments.
calcPayments does all of our calculations. We essentially loop through each month, save each month's payment information(interest, principal, etc) in an object, and push that object to an array which will contain each month's payment object. This array along with our monthly payment amount get returned to be used for our display functions below.
displayPayments displays all our information from the Payment Object Array using a table with template rows
displayTotals takes our total loan amount and the Payment Object for the final month to determine our totals and outputs them.